once upon
a time…
there was a little Nature Bot.
As he wanders around the enchanted forest, filled with wonders, he found himself on…

a journey of happiness
and belonging.
Would you follow a tiny nature bot &
his friends into the forest of wonders?
Dive into the creation of
his world & story
To envision a new world for yourself. One you can write and in my case, also illustrate...I learned that it happens when you're sitting in between the folds of life. Worlds seem to be created from memories and adventures, but also hopes & dreams. It's a fusion of many nuances and when you surrender enough, it often appears in ways you never expected. It also evolves in ways you never thought of. And again, you're asked to trust and give in to the process of creating.
Something I wasn't ready to do before, but I like to think that I am now.
This world holds everything that I value and with the book (maybe even books!) that will flow out of it, it’s my sole intention that it brings back happiness, beauty and cozy calmness into your world, but also evoke feelings of childlike wonder and magic.
If you’d love to follow along the creation of this book, you’re invited to join my world on Substack. Here I will share glimpses on the art process, the writing and how it feels to work on something that was a seed of wonder for almost ten years.
If you’d love to support me furter with this, you’re invited to join my Society of Wonders on Patreon. Your support helps me to create a bit more ease and you get to collect exclusive content and goodies along the way.
Whichever you choose, it is an honor to have you alongside me as I bring this to life!