It’s my wish that when you find yourself in my world, that you get to collect slivers of magic and wonder for yourself.
Ah. You’d love to know a bit more about me, I see?
Artist | storyteller | dreamer | wonder alchemist
I'm a creative soul that has trouble sitting still and I often see stories hiding in the little moments in life. Living at a slower pace has opened the door to so much wonder. I feel most alive when the leaves are changing colors and the air is crisp. I love oversized cardigans and eating leftover noodles straight out of the pan. I adore quiet bookstores, wandering off the beaten path whilst traveling and capturing all the photos of things that make me happy. My hearts is always dancing between wanting to seek adventures and sitting cosily at home, drinking tea from my favorite mug. I get excited when stars sparkle in the night and when the sky tells stories through shades of colors.
All I get to experience in life is infused back into my words and creations. It’s my wish that my work reminds you to see the world through eyes of wonder and a gentle heart. That it reminds you that you’re not alone and that magic is alive and all around us. I hope to inspire happy hearts, a sense of self love and an awareness of the magic that we carry within ourselves.
Ever since I was young, I danced between my love for drawing and writing. It wasn’t until I was in my early twenties that I found myself really needing to make a change in my life.
I was feeling lost and confused and while I did everything that was expected of me, nothing seemed to ease this hollow feeling that carried inside of me. That is, until I started to create again. It was in these moments where everything just made sense and it felt as if I found a piece of myself back again.
For the first few years of my creative career, I focused mainly on my art and I wandered many magical realms where cute characters and critters live. Some came with stories, others just with the quest to bring back some wonder and happiness into the world. Writing and drawing has always been a way for me to explore my inner world and to make sense of the world around me.
When words fail, my art speaks by capturing a sense of childlike wonder. When the art fails, my words flow like water, gently soothing the aches by weaving prose and musings.
I’m grateful to have you in my world, lovely! Thank you for sharing some of your precious time with me.
You are magic.
TJ x
Artist for the magic seekers
When I had to pivot how I created my art and my business, I followed the nudge to re-launch my Patreon. After a while, I nicknamed it Society of Wonders and I imagine it being like an secret little community; it’s home is in The Floating Library, guarded by the Curious Book Keeper, tucked away in an Enchanted Forest.
If you’d love to dwell in my world, see behind the scenes peeks, collect magical downloads and monthly exclusive bookmarks & prints, you’re invited to become a member of the Society of Wonders!
Storyteller for the gentle hearts & dreamers
Living Wondrously is the place where I’ll be sharing stories from the life that happens between the Whimsy & Wonder, the healing that occurs when you find yourself on a path of self-discovery and remembering.
Through the stories I’ve lived so far, I’ve collected threads of gentle reflections and musings on life, self love, healing and the magic of mundane wonders. It’s my sole intention that by sharing my own stories, I can be there for fellow seekers of magic and wonder.

Let me to be a gentle reminder that your life is a wondrous journey. It’s brought to life as you move through your days, collecting wonderful little moments. As these moments stretch into adventures, memories are made and your story grows and evolve.
After several years of running an Etsy shop, I made a big change to go from a 24/7 magical place to one that appears a few times every year.
This might change in the near future, but for now, collecting magical goodies is like waiting for a wondrous circus to appear in town (bonus points if you know which book this is!).
The Gift Shop is home to leftover bookmarks and prints from Society of Wonders and for as long as I have stock, enchanted designs from my previous creative chapter.
~ The curious case of the gift shop ~